Quick Ratings – Phone Call from a Stranger (1952)

David (Gary Merrill) and Binky (Shelley Winters) are trapped in a stormy flight. ‘Phone Call from a Stranger (1952)’ is a Film Noir directed by Jean Negulesco. Fasten your seat belts on day 7 of ’Noirvember 2023,’ while I introduce you to the lives of the ‘Four Musketeers’ and other characters.

This film is mainly about redemption and making things right. After the plane crashes, David (Gary Merrill) belongs to the few survivors. He feels obliged to visit the families of Binky (Shelley Winters), Robert (Michael Rennie) and Eddie (Keenan Wynn), who unfortunately weren´t so lucky and died as a result of the accident. They all got to know each other during that last night. In flashbacks, a typical Noir feature, we learn more about their secrets and dark past. David wants to give the relatives of his new friends some kind of peace, which ultimately leads to the rescue of his own happiness.

‘Phone Call from a Stranger (1952)’ is a hidden gem. Especially the atmosphere during the plane flight, the stopover at Vega airfield and the tragic flashbacks of Robert and Eddie. Highly recommended to all fans of Film Noir, but also to everyone who likes a strong screenplay and great dialogues.

“What´s this ‘Four Musketeers?’ … Inflation?” Binky (Shelley Winters) is right, when she asks this question to Eddie (Keenan Wynn) who had the idea to name the group like this. There´s one more than Alexandre Dumas invented.

Also some advice. Keep her evaluation of Dr. Fortness in mind. This might come in handy, if life pushes you in a tight corner: “He knows that nobody can have one hundred percent of anything. So he made a deal with himself … He settled for half.”

Lawyer David L. Trask (Gary Merrill) leaves his wife Jane (Helen Westcott) on a rainy night, after she was unfaithful. He jumps on the next available plane.

Binky Gay is only the show name of dancing actress Bianca Carr (Shelley Winters). She wants to return home to her husband Mike (Craig Stevens). So no problem there? Well, not exactly. Sally Carr (Evelyn Varden) hates her stepdaughter and thinks that she has no talent.

Dr. Robert Fortness (Michael Rennie) did a horrible thing. He was driving drunk and caused a car accident, in which three people died. Five years later, Robert hires David (Gary Merrill) as his lawyer to face up responsibility.

A life with salesman Eddie Hoke (Keenan Wynn) is “one long laugh.” At least that´s what his wife Marie (Bette Davis) says ironically. Eddie also had the idea of exchanging addresses and telephone numbers. After the crash, David (Gary Merrill) found the cards in his pocket, which made it possible in the first place to call the relatives.

Claire (Beatrice Straight) is Robert Fortness´(Michael Rennie) widow. She lied to the district attorney, after Robert caused the devastating car accident, by stating that his friend Dr. Brooks (Hugh Beaumont) drove the car.

Sally Carr (Evelyn Varden) wants her career back. But her successful days, where a long time ago. Binky (Shelley Winters) suffers from Sally´s relentless behavior.

The acting highlight of this movie. Eddie´s wife Marie explains to David what love is all about. Bette Davis and Gary Merrill were married in real life.


‘Phone Call from a Stranger (1952)’ reached the ‘Breathless Heights‘ on the ‘Rating Mountain:‘

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“Great movies are like a storm. At first you sit still. Unshakeable. At ease. Just hearing silent drops of rain far out in the distance. But then, suddenly, something blows you away.”

There is a lot about me I could tell you. For example that I love movies since I was a kid. Also that I´m just in my thirties and write about classic movies. That I have a family and a full time job and enjoying films in my spare time. Another remark would be that I´m a passionate of ratings.

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