Original vs Remake: Cinematic Fusion In Time

‘Blade Runner (1982)’ and ‘Blade Runner 2049 (2017):’ Thirty five years passed for Harrison Ford and thirty years for Rick Deckard. The difference of five years was lost in time near the Tannhauser Gate.

For anyone who hasn´t read Classic Ratings & Reviews: The Heart of the Website yet, you´ll find a short extract of how I define a classic movie as follows:

“All movies with an original release date before 1990 and the relevance of shining or blinding through decades are qualified to be a part of Classic Ratings & Reviews

Ok that´s clear. But what´s with movies released in 1990 or later? Doesn´t they also deserve attention?

The ones which are worthy do for sure! With Original vs Remake, I provide room for newer movies. One heavy focus of this category will be movies with Classic Film Noir influences.

This genre is known as Neo Noir.

What´s also very interesting is the comparison of classic movies and sequels released a lot later. Sometimes there are several decades between them. I´ll take care of that.

You´ll often notice cross references, throughout the categories, related to classics and vice versa.

The older version is covered in Classic Ratings & Reviews and the ‘modern’ version in Original vs Remake.

Some good examples would be:

‘Blade Runner (1982)’ and ‘Blade Runner 2049 (2017)’

‘Mad Max 1-3 (1979 – 1985)’ and ‘Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)’

Ambitious Sci-Fi Girl: “Wohooo! A category for Sci-Fi fans!”

That´s not quite right, but you´ll notice that Original vs Remake often focuses on Science Fiction Films.

There are two simple reasons for that:

  • I love Science Fiction.
  • Checking the development of special effects in relation to classic futuristic movies is a treat.

Whiskey will still be popular in 2049.

If you´re not a Sci-Fi fan, don´t worry.

Other genres will also be a part of this category.

You can look forward to reviews and the comparison of classic / modern crime movies, thrillers and a lot more.

Crowd of Rating Addicts: “Oh my god! Don´t you forget something? Please mention the ratings!”

Guys, you´re all set. Your needs will be satisfied! 😉

I´ll mention the rating system for this category shortly.

Original vs Remake – 1990 and Beyond

The overall rating system stays untouched and also the criteria are the same as for classic movies:

  • Story
  • Acting
  • Visuals / Soundtrack / Suspense or laughter / Twists
  • Dialogues / Monologues
  • Unforgettable scenes / Possibility for rewatch / Style

For more information on how the rating process works, please click on the following link: Classic Ratings & Reviews: The Heart of the Website

After a longer period of time has passed, I´ll create a ranking list for all pictures rated and reviewed, for this category, which will be extended and updated consequently. Classic movies aren´t integrated as they´ll have their own ranking list in the future.

Significant questions will be answered in my reviews of movies released in 1990 or later. The following is a fine selection. There are a lot more:

  • How big is the influence of older movies and in which scenes is this visible the most?
  • Are the special effects of this movie really a huge accomplishment?
  • Or are creating effects in older movies with much less technical possibilities far more inventive?
  • Why does the public tend to praise old versions of iconic movies higher then the ‘remake?’
  • Does new movies follow similar story patterns as established in the past?
  • How likely is it that a new movie will obtain the status timeless classic several years after the release?

It´s widely known that often there are two kinds of movie people. Some like the old and some like the new. One of my goals is to unite the camps. Because you´ve more in common then you think. Sustainability is the key. Also for movies. No matter how old or new they are.

What would Albert Finney, as Hercule Poirot, said in the classic Whodunit ‘Murder on the Orient Express (1974)’ if he would knew that, in 2017, an actor named Kenneth Branagh will play the same character in a movie with the same name and gets the chance to speak in front of a monumental scenery?

No Spoiler Alerts – That´s right!

Yes this also counts for Original vs Remake. I really want to grab the essence of a movie and all important aspects as a whole and do not want be loaded with any boundaries during writing. But I´m sure that my readers also await top notch details, so spoilers shouldn´t be a problem.

Thanks for reading.

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Writer / Rater / Reviewer

“Great movies are like a storm. At first you sit still. Unshakeable. At ease. Just hearing silent drops of rain far out in the distance. But then, suddenly, something blows you away.”

There is a lot about me I could tell you. For example that I love movies since I was a kid. Also that I´m just in my thirties and write about classic movies. That I have a family and a full time job and enjoying films in my spare time. Another remark would be that I´m a passionate of ratings.

But I´m not going into to much details here. You will get to know me a lot better while reading my posts and enjoying my website.

Stay sharp, don´t let you get down from the stress of daily life and enjoy the enchanting world of classic movies.

Sit down and relax while we run through the Vienna sewers with Harry Lime, warning Marion Crane not to turn right, asking Rick Deckard if he´s a replicant or not, wondering if we would get ‘Double Indemnity’, peeking with Jeff and Lisa through a ‘Rear Window’, singing ‘Moon River’ at a New York balcony with Holly Golightly and so much more.

Thanks a lot for reading.


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