On Location – The Third Man (1949 & 2023)

Carol Reed´s Film Noir ‘The Third Man (1949)’ is my favorite picture for many reasons. So it was only natural that I paid a visit to Vienna, where many scenes were shot on location. Follow me on the trail of Harry Lime through Vienna´s impressive architecture, narrow streets, sewers, train stations, Ferris Wheels, graveyards, cinemas, museums and much more. Are you ready for the final of ‘Noirvember 2023?’


The Viennese say that their city isn´t changing. Everything is in it´s place. Only people come and go. New generations replace older generations. But their town is a solid foundation. A tour guide said: “You know, in Vienna nothing changes. Harry Lime could be just around the corner … ” I visited most of the locations, where actual movie scenes were filmed. The pictures are in chronological order. From the opening sequence to one of the best endings of all time. Let´s see, if everything really stays the same after a time span of 75 years!

St. Stephan´s Cathedral / Opening Sequence / Stephansplatz 3

The opening sequence of ‘The Third Man (1949)’ shows many locations within a few seconds. St. Stephan´s Cathedral is the first …

… and on 8th of June 2023, I bumped into a crowd right in front of the huge building.

Parliament Building / Opening Sequence / Dr. Karl Renner-Ring 3

The Austrian ‘Parliament Building’ has several statues on top of it …

… which are also visible in 2023.

Beethoven Monument / Opening Sequence / Lothringerstraße

The musical genius of Ludwig van Beethoven is well known all around the world. A monument was build in his honor …

… and it is still there in 2023.

Votive Church / Opening Sequence / Rooseveltplatz

Entering the American Zone in … Vienna. If you look through the archway, you can clearly see the ‘Votive Church’ in the background.

Three quarters of a century later, I came a little closer.

Oberes Belvedere / Opening Sequence / Prinz-Eugen-Straße 27

The Russians, one of the four occupiers after World War Two, had their main base in Vienna´s ‘Belvedere Palace.’ In the movie, they only show the main entrance gate.

The same as in the 1940s. Just in colour and in 2023.

Westbahnhof Train Station / Holly Arrives / Europaplatz 2/3

Holly Martins (Joseph Cotten) arrives in Vienna.

“Anyway, there he was, poor chap, happy as a lark and without a cent.” “Hey Carol! Are you referring to Holly Martins or me?” “To both of you!” Director Carol Reed was the narrator of the opening sequence.

Harry´s Apartment / Entrance Shots / Palais Fries-Pallavicini (Josefsplatz 5)

Holly wants to visit his old friend Harry Lime (Orson Welles), which offered him “some sort of a job.” He doesn’t seem to know that it’s bad luck to walk under a ladder …

In 2023, the entrance of the apartment building, with the two female statues, looks pretty much the same. Holly tells the customs officer at the train station that he wants to go to ‘15 Stiftgasse.’ This address really exists in Vienna, even today. However, it´s not the actual place where they filmed the scene. The correct address is ‘Josefsplatz 5’ A nice ‘On Location Goof.’

Central Cemetery / First Funeral / Simmeringer Hauptstraße

Harry Lime had a “fatal” accident and his remains were buried in the Vienna ‘Central Cemetery.’ An interesting bunch of people came to his funeral. Keep an eye on the gravestone of ‘Familie Elchinger’ in the upper left side of this picture.

In this still from Major Calloway (Trevor Howard), you can see the ‘Elchinger Grave’ again. However, in the film Calloway shouldn´t be nearby this stone, as the funeral is happening at the grave left to it. And where are the other mourners? My suggestion? They made different shots or inserted back projection. Or a continuity error? Another Goof? What is your opinion?

We have a similar situation with this picture of Anna (Alida Valli) and Holly. It seems that they turned around and camera man Hans Schneeberger began to film again. That would be an explanation, why the grave of the ‘Elchinger family’ is behind and not in front of them as they are supposed to be looking at Harry´s grave.

I took the tram from Vienna´s city center to the outer district of ‘Simmering,’ where the ‘Central Cemetery’ is located. Harry´s grave is on the left side of the pathway. Today, it´s the final resting place for members of the ‘Grün Family.’ The large gravestone of ‘Familie Elchinger’ on the right side is gone and now part of the ‘Third Man Museum.’

Calloway and Holly are leaving the funeral. In the background, you can see the ‘Karl Borromäus Church.’

Same place. Same church. But in 2023.

Hotel Sacher / Interior / Philharmoniker Straße 4

Sergeant Paine (Bernard Lee) brings Holly to the ‘Hotel Sacher,’ where he is supposed to stay for one night only. After my trip, I found out that this interior scene, was shot in the studio. Nevertheless, ‘The Sacher’ remains ‘On Location.’ We come to an exterior scene later.

Despite the guards, I managed to sneak inside the Hotel to take a picture of the entrance area.

Café Mozart / Meeting with Kurtz / Neuer Markt

Baron Kurtz (Ernst Deutsch) calls the receptionist and wants to talk to Holly:

Kurtz: “Could we meet at the Mozart Café?”

Holly: “… Where…?

Kurtz: “Just around the corner.”

Kurtz´answer is right and wrong. The mentioned Café is really located just around the corner of the legendary Hotel. But the scene was filmed at a square called ‘Neuer Markt,’ which is a five minute walk.

The actual ‘Café Mozart’ in 2023 …

… and the real shooting location ‘Neuer Markt.’

 Statue of Emperor Joseph II / “And this is where he died.” / Josefsplatz

Kurtz shows Holly the spot where “he got knocked over by a car.”

The street in front of the building, where Harry´s apartment was located. On the right, you can see the statues at the entrance.

“And this is where he died.” Kurtz tells Holly a story, that two men carried Harry´s body across the street to the ‘Emperor Joseph Statue …’

Of course, the statue also exists in 2023.

Josefstadt Theater / Meeting Anna / Josefstädter Straße 24

Holly attends a performance at the ‘Josefstadt Theater’ and wants to talk to Harry´s girlfriend Anna after the show.

I didn´t buy a ticket at the box office, but made some exterior and interior shots of the theater.

Harry´s Road / Window Shots / Josesfplatz 5

Holly talks to Karl, the porter (Paul Hörbiger), to find out more about the circumstances of Harry’s death. I´m not sure, but I think that this interior scene was filmed in studio. However, the building visible through the window on the other side of the street, could be a background projection of …

… the ‘Austrian National Library,’ which is located to the left of the ‘Emperor Joseph Statue.’

Holly looks at the road, from which the deadly car supposedly rolled in.

The wall on the right, directly after people cross the road, could be the one Holly looked at through the window.

Anna´s Road / Square ‘Am Hof’

After their meeting with the porter, Holly accompanies Anna home.

The street in front of her apartment in 2023. The building in the back looks pretty much the same as during shooting in 1948. Only the clock in the middle was removed. On the left is a ‘Vienna fire station.’

International Police Headquarters / Exterior Shots / Palais Auersberg (Auerspergstraße 1)

Anna (Alida Valli) gets arrested for having a forged passport. They bring her to the ‘International Police Headquarters,’ where she is watching the Russian Liaison Officer investigating the document.

The interior scenes where shot at ‘Palais Auersberg.’ Today, a high class event location.

Calloway looks out of the window. Holly is waiting for Anna. If this shot actually shows the street in front of ‘Palais Auersberg’ is not clear. Does anyone know for sure?

Casanova Club / Meeting with Popescu / Dorotheergasse 6/8

Holly´s next stop is the ‘Casanova Club.’

He wants to talk to Popescu (Siegfried Breuer). Another of Harry´s friends, which helped carrying his dead body …

The ‘CASA NOVA’ in 2023.

Dr. Winkel´s address / Exterior Shot / Borsegasse 5

Dr. Winkel (Erich Ponto) leaves with a bicycle to a secret meeting. He´s Harry´s doctor …

The entrance of ‘Borsegasse 5’ in 2023. It´s now an elementary school aka ‘Volksschule.’

Holly´s Escape / Hansl starts the chase / Corner from Augustinerstraße to Dorotheerstraße

Holly and Anna return to Harry´s apartment. The porter was murdered. Holly gets suspected immediately after little Hansel (Herbert Halbig), who also lives in the building and recognized that Holly had an argument with the porter, repeatedly says “Mörder! Mörder! Mörder” aka “Murder! Murder! Murder!”

The corner from ‘Augustinerstraße’ to ‘Dorotheerstraße.’ Herbert Halbig, the actor who played Hansel, is still alive.

Holly´s Escape Part 1 / Stone stairs / Ruprechtskirche and Ruprechtsplatz

The chase continues past the ‘Ruprechtskirche’ and onto ‘Ruprechtsplatz.’

The ‘Ruprechtskirche’ is still standing (left), but the steps have been renewed (right).

Hotel Sacher / Exterior / Philharmoniker Straße 4

Holly escaped successfully and returns to ‘Hotel Sacher.’ A mysterious cab driver picks him up. He leaves in a hurry …

Probably one of the most famous Hotels in the world. The ‘Sacher!’

Holly´s lecture business / British Cultural Center / Salesianerinnenkirche (Rennweg 8)

A Taxi Driver brings Holly to a lecture …

… at the ‘British Cultural Center.’

Crabbin (Wilfrid Hyde-White) pays Holly´s  hotel bill. In exchange, he hired him for a lecture. Holly forgot and thought that the Taxi driver (Thomas Gallagher) was a kidnapper …

The shooting location …

… in 2023.

Holly´s Escape Part 2 / Church Maria am Gestade / Salvatorgasse 12

Once again, Holly has to flee from pursuers. This time, Popescu sends his henchmen to finally silence the American. Suddenly, an imposing church appears in front of him: ‘Maria am Gestade’

Amazing architecture and a great scenery. ‘Maria am Gestade’ in 2023.

Holly´s Escape Part 2 / Judengasse

Before his way leads him to ‘International Police Headquarters,’ Holly enters the ‘Judengasse.’

Today, the ‘Judengasse’ is a crowded area with a lot of pubs.

The Doorway / Harry Lives / Schreyvogelgasse 8

Once Holly learned the truth about Harry, he gets drunk and pays Anna a late night visit. Afterwards he wanders around the street below. Suddenly a shadow appears in a doorway …

… Holly yells his head of. The silhouette is not completely visible …

… But then … a flash of light bursts through an open window …

… and reveals a man believed dead. Harry Lime is alive!

Another ‘On Location Goof.’ With a Point of View shot, from Anna´s apartment, we see everything: The doorway, the window, Harry and the street he ran away. But if you scroll back in this post, you learned that the building, where Anna lived, is not located in or opposite to ‘Schreyvogelgasse’ at all.

The window, where the light burst through, is the one on the upper left …

One of my favorite locations in movie history. ‘The Doorway’ at ‘Schreyvogelgasse 8’ in Vienna …

… and another, more noirish, shot …

Running Harry / Shadow on the Wall / Schulhof

Harry escapes and only his shadow is visible. Has Holly seen a ghost? This scene is a masterpiece in Noir Cinematography. Another interesting fact. The shadow is not from Orson Welles. It´s from Guy Hamilton, the assistant director, who doubled Welles as a shadow double

The location ‘Schulhof’ in 2023. By the way, the garbage cans are at the same spot as in 1948.

Harry Vanishes / Advertising pillar as sewer entrance / Am Hof

Harry vanishes in an advertising pillar (Litfaßsäule) at ‘Am Hof,’ which is one of the many sewer entrances in Vienna. Holly is confused and informs Calloway. Interesting fact. ‘Am Hof’ never had a sewer entrance. It was put there only for the purpose of Harry´s mysterious disappearance. The pillar was shot in a way that completely covered the statue ‘Queen of Heaven’ in the middle of the square. Fine camera work!

Same situation with the well on the left. It didn´t really exist. Just a movie requisite.

‘Am Hof ’ in 2023.

The Sewers Part 1 / Main Sewer / Wienfluss-Portal (Baumeisterbrücke 1367)

Holly: “What is this?”

Paine: “It´s only the main sewer, sir. Smells sweet, doesn´t it? Runs right into the Blue Danube.”

Sergeant Paine is right. But the “sweet smell” he is referring to is meant literally. There´s no fecal smell in this main sewer section. Just a sweet, ‘river-like’ smell from the ‘Blue Danube.’ Harry got away again by leaving at the end of the tunnel which leads directly to …

… the ‘Wienfluss-Portal’ at ‘Stadtpark.’

The Ferris Wheel / Prater Amusement Park / Gaudeegasse 1

After Calloway, Paine and Martins dug up Lime´s coffin they had the final prove. Instead of Harry, someone else was buried at the ‘Central Cemetery.’ Holly continues to search for his former friend and makes a trip to the ‘Russian Sector.’ He speaks to Lime´s accomplices: “… Tell him I´ll wait by the Wheel for an hour …” Holly and Harry go for a ride …

Me, the guy on the left, in front of the ‘The Ferris Wheel’ in 2023.

You can see a drawing of Harry Lime at the entrance.

The ride starts in 1949 …

… and in 2023.

“Would you really feel any pity …

… if one of those dots stopped moving forever?”

I´ll assure you, I´m not as cruel as Harry Lime …

… but I just had to make the same shots!

Westbahnhof Train Station / Anna Leaves … Or Not? / Europaplatz 2/3

We return to ‘Westbahnhof Train Station.’ Paine escorts Anna as she is ready to leave Vienna. Calloway made a deal with Holly to arrest Harry. In exchange, he requests that Anna can leave the country so that the Russians can not claim her.

The interior of the train station changed drastically since shooting in 1948. But once I saw the stairs, the scene from the movie popped into my head.

A Trap for Harry / Café Marc Aurel & Vermählungsbrunnen  / Hoher Markt

Holly: “All right Calloway, you win …”

Calloway: “Win what?”

Holly: “I´ll be your … dumb decoy duck.”

Holly arranged a meeting with Harry at the ‘Café Marc Aurel.’ Calloway, Paine and the Viennese police hide in plain side to arrest the racketeer.

The scenery of ‘Hoher Markt’ from Holly´s perspective at the Café. In the middle you can see the ‘Vermählungsbrunnen.’

A police man hides between the statues of the monument.

The ‘Vermählungsbrunnen’ is one of the most shown Vienna locations in ‘The Third Man (1949).’ It appears three or four times throughout different scenes. After my trip, I realized that the location of the Café still existed. Therefore I haven´t a clean shot. However, I inserted an arrow and caught a fragment unintentionally. Sometimes you have to get lucky!

A close up of a statue at the ‘Vermählungsbrunnen’ in 2023.

A Trap for Harry / Alte Hofaptoheke / Reitschulgasse 2

A large shadow suddenly appears at the facade of the ‘Alte Hofaptoheke.’ The movie wants you to believe that this location is also at ‘Hoher Markt,’ which isn´t true. The building is located at ‘Reitschulgasse 2’ and the camera was set at ‘Michaelerplatz.’

The same shot, but 75 years later. ‘HALDER,’ a jeweler, is still located at the corner in front of ‘Alte Hofaptoheke.’

The Sewers Part 2 / The Chase / Karlsplatz-Girardipark

Harry runs away and enters the sewers again. This time at ‘Karlsplatz-Girardipark’ through a star-shaped entrance.

Orson Welles got hurt during this shot, after one part of the opening bumped back on his head.

The entrance in 2023. It´s possible to enter the Vienna sewers in 2023, but only with guides. The popular ‘3. Mann Tour’ is organized by the city itself and sewer workers lead you through the tunnels. Fascinating and highly recommended!

Remember the tree behind the sewer entrance, when Orson Welles entered as Harry Lime? It´s still there.

Harry at the overflow dam in the sewer system beneath ‘Karlsplatz.’

The bridge and the dam in 2023.

Another shot of the main sewer connected to the ‘Wien-Fluss.’

Harry crawls up the sewer stairs. A last chance to escape? Which location isn´t clear. But it´s not the ‘Girardipark-Entrance.’

The end of Harry Lime. Close to death, he stretches his hands through a sewer grille.  This shot was created in studio. With Harry´s permission, Holly relieves the injured criminal with a blast from Paine´s gun.

The Ending / Holly & Anna / Central Cemetery (Gardening Center) / Simmeringer Hauptstraße

After Harry´s second funeral, for real this time, Anna leaves to an unknown future. Calloway wants to bring Holly to the airport. They drive past Anna. Holly tells Calloway to stop and gets out of the car … He waits for her … She walks towards him … Slowly … Slowly … and … walks steady and without even turning her head .. past him … She is still in love with “the worst racketeer that ever made a dirty living in this city.”

To find the alley, where one of the greatest movie endings of all time was filmed, is an intense moment. It´s near the ‘Gardening Center’ of the ‘Central Cemetery.’ Not far from Harry´s grave in section 43A. I immediately had the idea to make a similar shot and waited a bit for someone to show up. Suddenly a jogging woman appeared. It wasn´t Alida Valli and there was another major difference. She didn´t walk past me, stopped instead, and took this picture.

Final Thoughts

I had a lot of fun during my trip to Vienna and it was an unforgettable experience. It´s a Must for every enthusiastic ‘On Location traveler’ to visit Austria´s capital and track down the various ‘The Third Man locations.’ But even if you´re not a fan, it´s still highly recommended. Most of the scenes where filmed at popular places throughout Vienna and you can easily combine this with a casual trip. I visited most of them, but not all. There are many smaller scenes with a duration of just 1-3 seconds, especially during the chase scenes, which editor Oswald Hafenrichter cut in with perfection. A lot of them show Vienna streets and places, which are still on my list. I´ll definitely visit Vienna again. So check back regularly for updates.

Additional Vienna locations related to ‘The Third Man’


The first thing I did on my arrival day was to watch ‘The Third Man (1949)’ at the ‘BURG KINO.’ It´s located at ‘Opernring 19’ and they show this picture at least twice every week. A beautiful cinema with a lot of flair. > www.burgkino.at

Of course, I wrote about the sewer related scenes. But if you want to experience the ‘Vienna World Underneath’ yourself, book a ticket for the ‘3. MANN TOUR.’ The counter is located at ‘Girardipark’ near ‘Karlsplatz.’ Next to the famous entrance of the sewers, where Harry entered for the final chase. > www.drittemantour.at

I took some location shots during the fascinating walking tour ‘The Third Man – Vienna in the Footsteps of the Third Man.’ This tour is organized by ‘Vienna Walks & Talks,’ which is run by the Timmermann family. After the tour, I had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Brigitte Timmermann and her family. She is an authority on the topic ‘The Third Man’ for decades and published the book ‘The Third Man´s Vienna – Celebrating a Film Classic.’ Thanks for this great experience! > www.viennawalks.com

On my final day, I visited the ultimate place for every fan of ‘The Third Man.’ And also for everyone, who wants to become one. The ‘3RD MAN MUSEUM’ is located at ‘Preßgasse 25.’ Greetings to Gerhard Strassgschwandtner, Karin Höfler and their team. > www.3mpc.net

Thanks for reading.

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10 Responses

  1. Fascinated by your post, the photos of comparison between the various movie locations in the Vienna of then and now and the level of knowledge and insight you possess about your subject namely – The Third Man.
    I too am a fan of the movie.., I have always found Welles presence in virtually all of his work fascinating, he possessed I believe a huge charisma.
    I have learned from and enjoyed so very much what you have kindly shared here.

    Thank you – Mark O’ Shaughnessy (Ireland)

    1. Hi Mark,
      thanks for reading and the positive feedback.
      I´m glad you enjoyed it! 🙂
      Yes, Welles has a strong screen presence.
      Greetings to Ireland.

  2. Thanks so much. I’m a giant fan of the movie and went to Vienna around 1969 and literally ran to the Ferris wheel.

    1. Hi Tom,
      thanks for reading. 1969 sounds like an interesting year! But every year is a good one to make a trip to Vienna 😉

    1. Hi Francesca,
      thanks a lot for reading and the kind words 🙂
      Great to hear that you want to read it again.

  3. My favourite film ever and a brilliant tour of all the key locations. Will go to Vienna one day and do the same especially now, knowing there’s still so much that hasn’t changed. Great site and truly appreciate the online tour! Many thanks

    1. Hi Simon,
      thanks for reading and your feedback!
      It was a great experience and adventure. Nice to hear that “The Third Man” is your favorite film too and that I encouraged you to make a similar trip. Feel free to share your “On Location pictures” after your journey to Vienna.

  4. This was fabulous! Thank you so much for sharing your experiences with all of us. The photos are terrific. I can appreciate the amount of time it took you to put this together, and I thank you very much!

    1. Hi Deborah,
      thank you very much for reading and the kind words! 🙂
      Yes, it was a lot of work but I had so much fun doing it. The trip to Vienna was an unforgettable experience.

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Writer / Rater / Reviewer

“Great movies are like a storm. At first you sit still. Unshakeable. At ease. Just hearing silent drops of rain far out in the distance. But then, suddenly, something blows you away.”

There is a lot about me I could tell you. For example that I love movies since I was a kid. Also that I´m just in my thirties and write about classic movies. That I have a family and a full time job and enjoying films in my spare time. Another remark would be that I´m a passionate of ratings.

But I´m not going into to much details here. You will get to know me a lot better while reading my posts and enjoying my website.

Stay sharp, don´t let you get down from the stress of daily life and enjoy the enchanting world of classic movies.

Sit down and relax while we run through the Vienna sewers with Harry Lime, warning Marion Crane not to turn right, asking Rick Deckard if he´s a replicant or not, wondering if we would get ‘Double Indemnity’, peeking with Jeff and Lisa through a ‘Rear Window’, singing ‘Moon River’ at a New York balcony with Holly Golightly and so much more.

Thanks a lot for reading.


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