Director´s Pub: Masters of their Profession

Cheers to my favorites (from left to right): First row Alfred Hitchcock and Carol Reed. Second row William Wyler, Fritz Lang and John Ford.

Directors are the fuel of a good movie. This sentence will stick and is more evident for classics.

Where new movie blockbusters heavily rely on special effects worth millions, the old school classics often depend on their director.

You can even say that the director´s mind is the special effect of a classic picture. Directing, creating and a pool of ideas for the greater good.

This category will cover my favorite classic directors. One per post. After that more coordinators will join the party.

Using their brains, to build something unique, is one of the most salient features of a good director. That´s the same thing, I want to do with this website.

The spirit of true cinematic masterminds will be preserved at the ‘Director´s Pub.’

Director´s Pub Explained – Rating A Skillful Bunch

My approach is very similar to the category ‘Actresses & Actors:’ Movies are in the foreground.

You want to know how the rating system works? > Classic Ratings & Reviews: The Heart of the Website

All information will be X-rayed and filtered so that I can present the interesting details for the world to see.

You also receive answers to:

  • Which pictures were their best?
  • How much time did they put in the preparation?
  • How is their style of directing defined?
  • Which are the actresses or actors they preferred?
  • Which persons got forced on to them by the studios?
  • Which set details from directing itself are known and how did it influence generations to come?

The rating criteria are as follows:

  • Directing skills
  • Directing style
  • Casting choices
  • Best movies
  • Influence on future generations

Details of their private life will only be mentioned when there´s a connection to their work and how these private cluster bombs ended up to affect or even change the outcome of a picture in a positive or negative way.

The directing profession will be treated with caution and respect, but also with hot-headed curiosity and persistence.

Welcome to the set!

Thanks for reading.

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Writer / Rater / Reviewer

“Great movies are like a storm. At first you sit still. Unshakeable. At ease. Just hearing silent drops of rain far out in the distance. But then, suddenly, something blows you away.”

There is a lot about me I could tell you. For example that I love movies since I was a kid. Also that I´m just in my thirties and write about classic movies. That I have a family and a full time job and enjoying films in my spare time. Another remark would be that I´m a passionate of ratings.

But I´m not going into to much details here. You will get to know me a lot better while reading my posts and enjoying my website.

Stay sharp, don´t let you get down from the stress of daily life and enjoy the enchanting world of classic movies.

Sit down and relax while we run through the Vienna sewers with Harry Lime, warning Marion Crane not to turn right, asking Rick Deckard if he´s a replicant or not, wondering if we would get ‘Double Indemnity’, peeking with Jeff and Lisa through a ‘Rear Window’, singing ‘Moon River’ at a New York balcony with Holly Golightly and so much more.

Thanks a lot for reading.


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