Actresses & Actors: Legends in the Limelight

This category is dedicated to all people in front of classic movie cameras.

From the big shots everyone knows to supporting performers.

From small-part joy to a crowd of extras.

If an actress or actor interests me and there´s a fascinating movie related story behind it, there´s a good chance I´ll write about them.

After clicking on this category you´ll definitely learn more about my favorite actresses and actors. I also reveal who they are. One at a time from post to post and how their performances affected them.

This will establish a ranking of my favorites which can change over time and will be published after minimum ten legends received a separate post as part of this category.

The ratings work exactly as the system explained in following post: Classic Ratings & Reviews: The Heart of the Website

Just the criterias are different:

  • Physical Acting
  • Voice and Performances in Dialogues / Monologues
  • Fame Factor
  • Style
  • Influence on movies to get timeless

‘Good performances go a long way.’ What would Robert Donat said about that punch line during filming ‘The 39 Steps (1935)?’

His alter ego Richard Hannay is chased from London to the Scottish Highlands and back again. A fast and hectic performance. Often with long takes. But did you know that he had chronic asthma which made this performance an extraordinary challenge?

Please do not expect that I only write about people I like or admire.

There will be plenty of content dedicated to controversial actors or people whose acting talent seems more than questionable and how they managed to get successful nevertheless.

Actresses & Actors Explained – Performances Filled with Drama

You´ll discover the main focus very soon during reading:

  • In which movies did they appear?
  • What´s the most memorable performance?
  • Was their acting good or bad?
  • How they felt on set?
  • Typecasted or not? Good guy or villain?
  • How was their live during a long period of shooting? Drinks in a strip club or reading a book quitely in an expensive hotel room?

Those are just some examples.

And know comes the stuff which is very different to the majority of posts related to actresses and actors you´ll find buzzing around the web.

The personal life will barely be touched.

Confused movie girl: “Wait! What? I want to know what Joan Fontaine had to dinner each Friday. How many affairs? Did she had a cat? Or a dog? Was the dogs name Rebecca?”

Shoutouts to Joan Fontaine´s amazing performance as ‘The Second Mrs. de Winter’ in Hitchcock´s ‘Rebecca (1940).’

Therefore I don´t intend to use a side track for this category. It´s not a boulevard magazine. It´s a website for movie fans all over the world.

Some smaller execptions are possible if it serves the purpose of better understanding an actress or actor during the casting process or at the set.

But the main focus stays untouched: It´s all about movies!

Thanks for reading.

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Please share your thoughts and ask questions in the comment section below, write an E-Mail to or follow Classic Movie Ratings on ‘Instagram’ and ‘Twitter.’

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Writer / Rater / Reviewer

“Great movies are like a storm. At first you sit still. Unshakeable. At ease. Just hearing silent drops of rain far out in the distance. But then, suddenly, something blows you away.”

There is a lot about me I could tell you. For example that I love movies since I was a kid. Also that I´m just in my thirties and write about classic movies. That I have a family and a full time job and enjoying films in my spare time. Another remark would be that I´m a passionate of ratings.

But I´m not going into to much details here. You will get to know me a lot better while reading my posts and enjoying my website.

Stay sharp, don´t let you get down from the stress of daily life and enjoy the enchanting world of classic movies.

Sit down and relax while we run through the Vienna sewers with Harry Lime, warning Marion Crane not to turn right, asking Rick Deckard if he´s a replicant or not, wondering if we would get ‘Double Indemnity’, peeking with Jeff and Lisa through a ‘Rear Window’, singing ‘Moon River’ at a New York balcony with Holly Golightly and so much more.

Thanks a lot for reading.


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